Saturday, November 20, 2010

Hospital Pakar..pakar ke?

ok..this is the persoalan about hospital pakar..
pakar ke mereka?
the doctor, nurse, makcik kerani, etc..
my anak sdare yesterday dah hr kelima in ward..
dkt one of the hospital pakar in Kelantan..
the service is okay la..
but the treatment is suck..
the art of healing 50% and terumbang ambing..
doctor yg pakar tu asking my sister about the medicine..
my anak sedare demam panas je..
ape yg aku nmpak is..
the doc tahan ward lame2 and the bill is increasing..
the hospital gain the revenue there from the pesakit n insurance..
hopefully the next generation of doc xde la yg mcm ni..

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