Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Final Ignition lah tajuk latest lagu dr my band..Deona Cart Deluna.. take a long time to make this song done..and now..done..but not recording yet.haha..okay this song is about the final ignition..atau tiupan sangkakala..before kiamat kan all of us know that malaikat will tiup sangkakala..semue mati..then hidup face the doomsday..judgement day. hari perhitungan and ape2 lagi lah name2 lain utk this song will warn you about this event..event yg sangat2 gerun and menakutkn umat manusia..the music arrangement mcm biase lah..dcd's music..melodic majestic metal.. hopefully people who listen to this song including me..akan insaf and dekat dri kpd Allah..amin...

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